Tuesday, December 8, 2009


It is so very rare that we experience clarity these days. Everywhere you look there is someone or something pushing or pulling for your attention, your support, your allegiance and of course, your money. How do we clear through the clutter and haze created by this crazy world we inhabit? How do we walk our own path with so many fences and signs in our way? More to the point, is it even possible? Of course there are those who claim to have clarity and they want to share it with us - take us to where they are. Strikes me as being another layer of the clutter. I believe that clarity is a singular experience for each of us, one that cannot be shared. Because it sounds right to me to think of it as a journey rather than a destination. You can take someone to a place, but you cannot make them see and feel the exact things you did in the exact same manner as you did on the way there. Pretty deep stuff for a Tuesday, but it was on my mind. The end of the year always gets me to thinking how I could have done better and what I could have done different - more on that in the New Years Blog.

Clarity is the journey.

Happy trails!

1 comment:

  1. Clarity changes, sometimes daily, I think. I think you're right, you can't give anyone else clarity, you can only give them you're idea of it. You can't give anyone your vision, just your description of it. We all go through different experiences, they change the lenses through which we view things and therefore our clarity.
